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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Геронтология и гериатрия


K.I. Prashchayeu1,2, E. E. Sadardinova3, M.A. Pokachalova4, A.O. Akhmetova2, A.Y. Nurpeisova2, A.N. Likhtinova2
1. Academy of postgraduate education of the Federal state budgetary institution "Federal scientific and clinical center of specialized types of medical care and medical technologies of the Federal medical and biological Agency", Moscow
2. Autonomous non-profit Organization research Medical center Gerontology, Moscow.
3. Irkutsk state medical Academy of postgraduate education, Irkutsk.
4. Voronezh State Medical University. N. N. Burdenko, Voronezh
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Actuality: The non-drug methods of prevention, which include physical training and nutrition, are Important means of aimed influence on physical development and prevention of premature aging. Unfortunately, research on the development and implementation of prevention programs in geriatric practice is insufficient, especially with regard to nutritional support, namely the use of functional nutrition, for patients with signs of premature aging. Purpose: To study the geriatric status of patients with signs of premature aging in order to correct nutrition. Material and methods: A total of 1,080 people were included in the study. Patients included in the study were determined by their biological age – "positive" and "negative" variants. The" negative " version of biological age indicates signs of premature aging. Patients with the" normal " variant of biological age were not included in the study. The groups were selected homogeneous for 5 years to objectify the research data. All patients were divided into three groups depending on the proposed option of nutritional support and physical activity: group 1 (control): patients received standard doctor's recommendations without recommendations on nutritional support and physical activity regimen; Group 2: in addition to the standard recommendations, patients were enrolled in a group of aerobic training sessions in the form of Nordic walking with a mode of training twice a week for 60 minutes under the guidance of an instructor and daily walks lasting at least 30 minutes, without correcting their nutritional status; Group 3: in addition to the standard recommendations, patients were enrolled in a group of aerobic training sessions in the form of Nordic walking with a training mode twice a week for 60 minutes under the guidance of an instructor and daily walks lasting at least 30 minutes + nutritional support in the form of taking Nutridrink Compact Protein 1 serving 3 times a day+Resurs Faiber 1 serving 3 times a day. The follow-up period was 3 months. Geriatric status was evaluated by us based on cognitive function. The Russian version of the MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) scale was used to evaluate cognitive functions. Results: Men with hormonal disorders had the same features of reducing and restoring cognitive abilities as women. Patients with the" negative "version of biological age have lower cognitive ability scores than patients with the "positive" version of biological age. In the group where nutritional support and physical activity were used, the reliable maximum number of points for assessing cognitive functions. However, it should be noted that only when using nutritional support in patients with a "negative" version of biological age, it was possible to achieve almost the same scores in assessing cognitive functions as in patients with a "positive" version of biological age, which confirms the fact that when using nutritional support, it is possible to increase the level of cognitive abilities. To prevent the development of cognitive disorders in women with pre-menopausal and climacteric syndrome and the "negative" version of biological age, in men with age-related androgen deficiency and the "negative" version of biological age, it is appropriate and reliably effective to use programs for nutritional support and sufficient motor loads. Conclusions: In the group where nutritional support and physical activity were used, there was a reliable maximum number of points for assessing cognitive functions. In patients with the" negative "version of biological age, it is possible to achieve almost the same scores when evaluating cognitive functions as in patients with the" positive " version of biological age. The use of nutritional support in patients with signs of premature aging increases the level of cognitive abilities.
Keywords cognitive deficit, geriatric syndrome, nutritional support, nutrition, old age.

Bibliographic reference:
K.I. Prashchayeu, E. E. Sadardinova, M.A. Pokachalova, A.O. Akhmetova, A.Y. Nurpeisova, A.N. Likhtinova, NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT AS A BASIS FOR CORRECTING PREMATURE AGING // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №1;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=436 (date of access: 01.04.2025).

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