Геронтология и гериатрия
E.S. Kravchenko1, E.V. Fesenko2, E.A. Voronina3, О.А. Rozhdestvenskaya2
1. Sverdlovsk regional clinical psychoneurological hospital for war veterans, Yekaterinburg
2. Academy of postgraduate education under FSBU FSCC of FMBA of Russia, Moscow
3. Department of social protection of the population of the Kemerovo region, Kemerovo
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Topicality. The approach to the management of elderly and senile patients in the terms of geriatric syndromes and the concept of frailty determines the quality of the medical care and its effectiveness largely. The diversity of multimorbid pathology and the complexity of curation of this patient population require a special personalized approach, of course, which can be provided by using the assessment of the geriatric status and the diagnosis of frailty syndrome. However, in the context of developing science and practice, new tools are needed, including that which can determine the functional reserve. From this perspective, the assessment of resilience, which methodology was used in the original study, is becoming increasingly relevant.
Goal of the research: to study the possibility and the practicability of developing the comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) use by assessing the resilience under the conditions of a 24-hour medical hospital.
Materials and methods. The study included 22 patients, among them 14 women and 8 men (35.0%), the age was 60 - 89 years, and the average age was 70.2 years. All the patients were examined according to the approved clinical guidelines for various nosological entities, as well as a comprehensive geriatric assessment and methods of resilience assessment (RA) were applied. At the same time, each case of comprehensive geriatric assessment was timed.
Obtained results: Timing of the expanded CGA with the determination of RA for elderly patients from 24-hour medical hospital made it possible to determine the mean value of the time spent: the participation of middle medical personnel on some stages of the CGA amounted to 12,7+0,3 minutes and on some stages of the RA - 36,2+1,2 minutes, the participation of the attending physician in the interpretation and carring out certain stages of the CGO amounted to 27,3+0,6 minutes, in the interpretation of the RA results - 15,0+0,7minutes. The study revealed that the use of RA questionnaires allows to know the patient’s psychological profile better and to develop the tactics of communication between the doctor and the patient. It also promotes building more trusting relationships in the doctor-patient pair and contributes a greater adherence to the treatment and patient compliance. The analysis of the individual loci of RA allowed to form 4 groups of patients and to develop an original individual algorithm for a comprehensive work with the patient.
Conclusion. Certain select results of a comprehensive geriatric assessment do not always demonstrate an objective perception of an elderly person’s reserve capabilities without using a resilience assessment. A new approach in gerontology and geriatrics, especially assessment of geriatric status and resilience, will increase the effectiveness of medical care provided to people of the older age groups, as well as take into account the patient’s functional reserve during the multimodal rehabilitation programs are being made.
Keywords elderly age, frailty, comprehensive geriatric assessment, resilience
Bibliographic reference:
E.S. Kravchenko, E.V. Fesenko, E.A. Voronina, О.А. Rozhdestvenskaya, NEW APPROACHES TO THE COMPREHENSIVE GERIATRIC ASSESSMENT IN THE HOSPITAL: THE RESULTS OF THE PILOT PROJECT // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=463 (date of access: 01.04.2025).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=463 (date of access: 01.04.2025).
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