Геронтология и гериатрия
A. A. Sharova1,2
1. Russian national research medical University named after N. I. Pirogov, Ministry of health of Russia, Moscow
2. Chistye Prudy center for aesthetic medicine, Moscow
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Actuality: In the last 20 years, a new format of medical organizations has been formed in Russia and abroad, which can be attributed to aesthetic medicine clinics. Currently, these clinics are trying to expand the range of services, including preventive ones.
Purpose: to evaluate the possibilities of aesthetic medicine clinics to implement gerontological prevention programs.
Material and methods: We studied the possibilities of aesthetic medicine clinics in implementing gerontological prevention programs by interviewing the heads of clinics (n=228) for the types of medical activities that their organizations have, and the presence of which is appropriate for the implementation of gerontological prevention programs. Also, an expert assessment of the activities of medical organizations in relation to management tasks was carried out according to the methodology of N. M. Kunitsyna (2013) in relation to 106 clinics of aesthetic medicine. In addition, the opinion of patients (n=648) on the most preferred options of the first-contact doctor for providing information on gerontological prevention was studied.
Results: In the rating of tasks of municipal polyclinics, the first five places are occupied by the following: treatment of diseases, conducting medical examinations, implementing General population prevention programs, reducing mortality rates, optimizing the load on medical personnel. In the rating of tasks of aesthetic medicine clinics, the first five places are occupied by the following: providing services in the field of aesthetic medicine, implementing age-oriented prevention programs, providing services in related areas, increasing patient satisfaction, and increasing the level of knowledge of doctors in the field of gerontology. Modern aesthetic medicine clinics have the human and material resources to implement gerontological prevention programs.
Conclusions: Aesthetic medicine clinics have a resource potential for implementing gerontological prevention programs, since this area ranks second in the rating-scaling of organizations ' management tasks after providing services in the field of aesthetic medicine, and the possibility of providing related medical services ranges from 48.7 to 89.9%. Patients of aesthetic medicine clinics see doctors as the first contact to provide and support preventive gerontology programs, which accounted for 75.3% of such patients.
Keywords gerontological prevention, clinic of aesthetic medicine, gerontology, related medical services, prevention in cosmetology.
Bibliographic reference:
A. A. Sharova, RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES OF AESTHETIC MEDICINE CLINICS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GERONTOLOGICAL PREVENTION PROGRAMS // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=466 (date of access: 01.04.2025).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=466 (date of access: 01.04.2025).
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