Skvortsova E.S.1
1. Central Research Institute of Informatization and Health Informatization of the Ministry of Health of Russia
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The article presents the epidemiological situation with the experimentation and use of narcotic and substance abuse substances among rural adolescent schoolchildren of the Russian Federation in 2016-2017.
Purpose: to study the prevalence and motives of drug and substance abuse among rural adolescents, students in grades 9-11. Methodology: a sociological survey (anonymous questionnaire) of a sample of rural adolescents 15-17 years old, students in grades 9-11. The sample was formed in several stages: targeted selection of territories (regions); random selection of schools in selected territories; continuous questioning of students in grades 9-11 in selected schools. The total number of examined was 18,222 people, of which 8,208 (45%) were boys and 10,014 (55%) were girls. The formation of databases and processing of the results was carried out using a certified computer program "risk factors"Results and discussion.The study showed that experimentation with narcotic and toxicomanic substances (NTS) among rural teenagers of schoolchildren of 15-17 years old on average in Russia amounted to 2.4 out of 100 boys and 1.6 out of 100 girls of the corresponding age, and the use of narcotic and substance abuse substances amounted to among boys, 1.2 per 100 boys, among girls - 0.6 per 100 girls of the corresponding ageThe main motive for the first test of narcotic and substance abuse was curiosity. In connection with this motive, 56.9% of boys and 66.4% of girls first tried NTS. Every fifth rural teenager turned to the NTS test at the suggestion of friends (20.3% of boys and 19.6% of girls). The age interval for the initiation of rural adolescents-schoolchildren falls on the period from 11 to 16 years old inclusively, with the peak of initiation among boys 15-16 years old, among girls 13-16 years old inclusive. The main motives for using NTS were the motives of the emerging dependence on them: 52.6% of boys and 51.4% of girls; because of troubles, 14.9% of girls and 10.0% of boys turned to drug use. “For the company” 14.9% of boys and 18.6% of girls used drugs. The vast majority of rural adolescents (88.7% of boys and 93.3% of girls) are aware of the dangers of drug use.Conclusion Modern rural teenagers of 15-17 years old are characterized by a low level of experimentation and use of narcotic and substance abuse substances with a high level of awareness of the dangers of drugs. The main source of information is specially organized classes and lessons at the school.
Keywords teenagers, village, drugs, prevalence, motives.
Bibliographic reference:
Skvortsova E.S., CHARACTERISTICS AND FEATURES OF USE OF DRUG AND TOXICOMANIC SUBSTANCES AMONG RURAL TEENAGERS OF SCHOOLCHILDREN OF RUSSIA IN 2016-2017 // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=469 (date of access: 01.04.2025).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=469 (date of access: 01.04.2025).
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