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E.V. Gameeva1
1. E.V. Gameeva
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Currently, Russia is implementing a state program to combat cancer. Medical rehabilitation is an integral, independent stage of providing oncological medical care. In this regard, one of the conditions for a successful fight against cancer is the availability of a full regulatory framework that regulates the allocation of budget funds for the medical rehabilitation of cancer patients. However, in practice, there are a number of serious problems related to the budgetary financing of such rehabilitation
Materials and methods. An analysis of provisions of existing regulatory legal acts, as well as national projects of federal and regional level aimed to combat oncology diseases is conducted.
Results. The Federal project "Fight against cancer", which is part of the national project" health", provides significant financial resources to Finance activities to fight cancer. At the same time, the goals and objectives of this project are not clearly defined, which, in turn, creates an opacity of financial legislation. Thus, the analysis of the provisions of certain existing legislative norms shows that funds for financing medical care for cancer patients within the framework of the Federal project are directed, among other things, to financing measures for the medical rehabilitation of the latter. However, a number of other normative legal acts lead to the opposite conclusion, namely: funds within the framework of the designated Federal project are directed only to antitumor drug therapy. The project does not provide funds for medical rehabilitation of cancer patients. This conclusion is confirmed by the actions of many regions to independently solve problems with rehabilitation measures for cancer patients. In addition to the Federal project " Fight against cancer "in Russia, there is also a direction (sub-program)" Development of medical rehabilitation and Spa treatment, including children's treatment "within the framework of the state program" development of healthcare". This sub-program is separately approved by the departmental program "medical rehabilitation", but the funds provided for its implementation are also not directed to measures for the medical rehabilitation of cancer patients.
Conclusion. Despite the state's declared strategy to combat cancer, today the only financial source of such an important stage of cancer care as rehabilitation measures for cancer patients remains only the funds of mandatory medical insurance in accordance with the programs of state guarantees of free medical care.
Keywords Currently, Russia is implementing a state program to combat cancer. Medical rehabilitation is an integral, independent stage of providing oncological medical care. In this regard, one of the conditions for a successful fight against cancer is the availability of a full regulatory framework that regulates the allocation of budget funds for the medical rehabilitation of cancer patients. However, in practice, there are a number of serious problems related to the budgetary financing of such rehabilitation
Bibliographic reference:
E.V. Gameeva, ON THE PROBLEMS OF REGULATING LEGAL RELATIONS RELATED TO THE FINANCING OF MEDICAL REHABILITATION OF CANCER PATIENTS // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №2;
URL: (date of access: 01.04.2025).
URL: (date of access: 01.04.2025).
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