Организация здравоохранения
A.L. Lisichkin1
1. «Colorectal Center», Perm
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Coloproctologic diseases are one of the most common groups in practical medicine, accompanied by a steady upward trend in the number of patients with colon pathology. In Perm Krai with a population of 2.6 million people, coloproctological care is provided in one specialized department for 40 beds in the City Hospital No. 2, the Coloproctology Center with a short-term hospital, coloproctologist's offices in regional clinics and in two dozen private coloproctological receptions.
Aim. Analysis of the activities of the Center for Coloproctology in the Perm Territory in the City Hospital No. 2.
Materials and methods. The following indicators characterizing its activities were analyzed according to the Center’s statistical reports: staffing, number of patients by gender and age, structure of diseases detected during initial treatment, basic diagnostic procedures, their average duration, basic nosological forms of diseases identified during treatment Diagnostic procedures. To present the results, in the case of quantitative characteristics, the arithmetic mean of the sample value (X) and the error of the mean (m) were calculated. For qualitative signs, the frequency of the sign (%) and its standard error (m%) were calculated.
Results and discussion. Over the past 7 years, 5800 diagnostic colonoscopies were performed, 2705 patients were operated on an outpatient basis. All studies were performed under intravenous anesthesia with propofol. The average duration of manipulation was 22 ± 3 minutes. The most common pathology of the colon detected by FCC was the polyps found in 2459 (42.4%). Outpatient surgical interventions over the past 5 years have been performed on 2075 patients, 1,003 women and 1,072 men aged 15 to 76 years, with an average age of 42 ± 7 years. The main method of surgical treatment was excision of the fissure with VY-plasty, supplemented with lateral closed or posterior open sphincterotomy. The main method used in the treatment of hemorrhoids I-II art. was a conservative treatment.
Conclusion. Analysis of the clinic's work allows us to conclude that the optimal model of the main link for providing coloproctological (consultative, diagnostic, medical) assistance to the population.
Keywords Ambulatory proctology, minimally invasive interventions, colonoscopy, colorectal cancer (CRC), incidence.
Bibliographic reference:
A.L. Lisichkin, SCIENTIFIC-ORGANIZATIONAL ASPECTS OF COLOPROCTOLOGICAL OUTPATIENT CLINICS ACTIVITY // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №2;
URL: (date of access: 07.03.2025).
URL: (date of access: 07.03.2025).
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