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Yu. P. Pivovarov1, N.A. Skoblina1, O.Yu. Milushkina1, S.V. Markelova1, D.M. Fedotov2, F.B. Okolnikov2, P.V. Gubanov3
1. Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, Russia
2. Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, Russia
3. EurasiaDaily Information Agency, Moscow, Russia
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One of the basic conditions for maintaining and promoting health is a commitment to a healthy lifestyle (HLS). The educational system in addition to the family plays a significant role in teaching skills and promoting healthy lifestyles among children and adolescents.
The aim of the study was to assess the possibility of using the results of Internet surveys in hygienic studies using the example of studying awareness of HLS basics of teachers and teachers of higher education.
Materials and methods. The object of the study was 565 teachers and university teachers living in various regions of the Russian Federation. 400 people were interviewed using Google Forms on the Internet, 165 people by a paper method. Links to the survey were placed in groups created on a professional basis in the social networks Facebook and Odnoklassniki. Statistical data processing was performed using hierarchical cluster analysis by the Ward (Ward) method. A quadratic Euclidean distance was used as a measure of difference. The analysis of the sensitivity and specificity of the Internet survey method was also carried out. Relative risk was calculated using four-field contingency tables. The critical significance level was taken equal to 0.05.
Results. All answers to questions related to awareness of the principles of HLS, both in the case of an online survey and with the help of paper forms, had a similar structure. The breakdown of the survey into clusters showed that the key questions were “What measures do you take to strengthen your own health?” and “From what sources do you receive information about a healthy lifestyle?”, i.e. questions characterizing the practical skills of HLS among respondents.
The data obtained from the respondents using the Internet survey and the traditional paper blank are comparable; the validity for the Internet survey was revealed. The sensitivity of the Internet survey was at least 82% with respect to the paper blank (DI = 80.5-83.5), specificity at least 90% (DI = 88.1-92.2). The identified relative risk of deviations from the side of the organ of vision depending on the frequency of using electronic devices was at 1.27 (DI = 1.07 - 1.52).
Findings. In the context of the development of modern information and communication technologies and the need for voluntary informed consent from respondents, instead of traditional hygienic research using paper questionnaires, you can use Google Forms to create and conduct online surveys. However, despite the apparent simplicity of the implementation, this research method requires particularly thoroughness in the formation of the pool of respondents in order to ensure the representativeness of the surveyed sample. It is also necessary to pay special attention to the validity of the results. Thus, overcoming the shortcomings of Internet surveys and substantiating this method in various areas of hygienic research continues to be an urgent scientific task and requires further study and justification.
Keywords Internet survey; questioning; hygiene studies; healthy lifestyle
Bibliographic reference:
Yu. P. Pivovarov, N.A. Skoblina, O.Yu. Milushkina, S.V. Markelova, D.M. Fedotov, F.B. Okolnikov, P.V. Gubanov, USE OF INTERNET SURVEYS IN THE ASSESSMENT OF AWARENESS OF THE BASICS OF A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №2;
URL: (date of access: 01.04.2025).
URL: (date of access: 01.04.2025).
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