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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Tateladze D. G.1, Simonov S. N.1
1. Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin”, Ministry of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Medical Institute, Tambov
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Introduction. Thermal trauma occupies a significant place in morbidity structure of the Russian population. The consequences of thermal injuries (scars, deformation, cosmetic defects) have a great socio-psychological importance for the victims. Long-term effects of burns negatively affect the quality of life of the injured. In this regard, relevant is the follow-up analysis of quality of life affected by thermal injuries. Purpose. To study the quality of life is affected by thermal injuries in 4-6 and 9-12 months after the injury. Materials and methods. A survey using the tools identify "quality of life related to health" (HRQOL) - the SF-36 questionnaire cohort of patients, numbering 75 people, were treated in the burns Department of city clinical hospital. Data were analyzed using statistical package SPSS Statistics for social Sciences, version 22 for Windows, with a descriptive analysis for all variables. Correlation analysis was used and non-parametric analysis of quantitative results of the first and second survey, using the Wilcoxon test. Results. Positive changes in HRQOL compared with the figures of SF-36 after 6 and 12 months after discharge from the burn unit. However, the analysis of the magnitude of effect for these changes the most significant changes were observed among measures of emotional functioning (0,79), role (physical) functioning (0,60), body aches (0,59) and physical functioning (0,55). There was a statistically significant difference between the values of SF-36. Patients with thermal lesions, in which the area of burns (TBSA) is below 20% showed elevated values over time to indicators of physical functioning, role (physical) functioning, bodily pain, General health, social functioning, and emotional functioning. And for those who had TBSA more than 20%, these were: physical functioning, role (physical) functioning, vitality and emotional functioning. Discussion and conclusions. In General, quality of life, assessed using the questionnaire "SF-36" in the first six months after thermal injury, the most negatively affected by such factors as the total surface thermal injury and scarring. At a later date (12 months) quality of life decreased due primarily to the presence of visible scars, this is especially important for women. During the first year after thermal injury, the victims most intensively recover emotional functioning and role (physical) functioning in society; the feeling of disturbing pain is reduced; physical functioning is stabilized. These changes are visible by the sixth month after the injury and are most pronounced by the end of the year, especially among men.
Keywords thermal injury, quality of life of patients after burns, long-term effects of thermal injuries, questionnaire

Bibliographic reference:
Tateladze D. G., Simonov S. N., CATAMNESTIC STUDY OF QUALITY OF LIFE INJURY FROM THERMAL INJURY // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №3;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=496 (date of access: 05.02.2025).

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