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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Zelenova O.V.1, Kalashnikova M.F.2, Abramov S.I.1, Kreknina E. A.3, Abramov A.S.3
1. FGBU «Federal Institute of Health Organization and Informatics» Ministry of The Health of Russian Federation, Moscow
2. I. M. Sechenov First Moscow state medical University Ministry of the health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
3. Pirogov Russian national Research Medical University Ministry of the health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
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Given the huge socio-economic significance of type 2 diabetes, many foreign scientists are conducting research on the development of pharmaco-economic models that allow predicting the economic consequences of the development of type 2 diabetes and its complications at the population level. The aim of the study: to adapt the pharmaco-economic model developed in Brazil, using the "cost-effectiveness" method, which allows calculating medical costs for preventing the development of type 2 diabetes using data from randomized clinical trials (RCTS) with direct costs for medicines, medical and non-medical services, the cost of diet, taking into account the consumer basket and physical activity. Materials and methods. Pre-diabetes and DM2 are increasing along with obesity and sedentary lifestyles in many countries. In two RCTS: "Type 2 diabetes prevention program" DPP and DPPOS "type 2 diabetes prevention Program: long-term results" it has been shown that proactive interventions among people at risk of developing DM2 can delay the onset of the disease, including the possibility of delaying it for 10 years or more, or even completely prevent it. In the process of modeling, pharmaco-economic methods were used: calculation of direct costs for the selected 5 strategies, the cost-effectiveness method,and sensitivity analysis. The indicators of added years of life with life expectancy (LYG) and the year of additional life adjusted for quality (QALY) for each strategy were calculated, and the cost of the added year of life adjusted for quality was calculated. Research result. Adapted the Brazilian cost-effectiveness model for various strategies to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) for use in Russia. The model compares the direct costs of preventing type 2 DIABETES with strategies for drug therapy with Glucophage ® long with changes in lifestyle and nutrition. The obtained data were compared with similar indicators for the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes with modern hypoglycemic medications. The cost of a year of added quality life was compared with the threshold of readiness to pay according to a study conducted in Russia. The presented simulation results showed that the most effective method, both in terms of clinical outcomes and economic indicators, is the method of drug prevention of type 2 diabetes. The cost of one year of quality life for the group of intensive lifestyle changes in 2020 was 155,023 rubles, while for the group of Glucofage ® long 4,538 rubles. Conclusion. With the current high cost of drug antidiabetic drugs, the patient will not be able to pay for the treatment of diabetes without the government's help because the cost QALY - 209 417 rubles, as well as to bear the costs of preventing the development of DM2 in compliance with the rules of intensive lifestyle changes, where this indicator amounted to 155 023 rubles, which greatly exceeds the threshold of willingness to pay, which identified the respondents in the country, is 69 000 rubles.
Keywords pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, direct costs, cost - effectiveness indicator, added year of life (LYG), added year of life adjusted for quality (QALY)

Bibliographic reference:
Zelenova O.V., Kalashnikova M.F., Abramov S.I., Kreknina E. A., Abramov A.S., CLINICAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS STRATEGIES FOR PREVENTING TYPE 2 DIABETES AND ITS SUBSEQUENT TREATMENT // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №3;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=503 (date of access: 05.02.2025).

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