Организация фармацевтического дела
O.I.Knysh1, V.V. Byshenko1
1. Tyumen State Medical University of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Tyumen
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Actuality. The circulation of medicines for veterinary use includes the development, clinical research, examination, state registration, standardization, quality control, production, manufacture, storage, transportation, import of medicines to the Russian Federation, their export, advertising, dispensing, sales, transfer, use and destruction.
Today in the Russian Federation this industry is poorly controlled by the state; the legislation does not have the most important regulatory acts that would regulate the pharmaceutical activities of veterinary pharmacy organizations and veterinary clinics. In 2015 the Order was issued to store medicines for veterinary use that guaranteed the drug preservation from the production stage to the consumption one.
Purpose: to evaluate the knowledge and compliance of the rules for storing medicines for veterinary use by employees of veterinary pharmacy organizations and veterinary clinics. To determine the need for updating regulatory documents for storage of veterinary drugs.
Materials and methods: The article presents the results of a questionnaire survey of 82 employees of veterinary pharmacy organizations and veterinary clinics, as well as statistics from the Rosselkhoznadzor Department in the Tyumen region.
Results: The analysis of the Order shows its identity to the order of the Ministry of Health for the drug storage for medical use, but the veterinary drugs storage has a number of features. During the study, a questionnaire survey of specialist involved in dispensing drugs in veterinary pharmacy organizations, aimed at analyzing compliance with storage rules, was conducted. It has revealed the employees' ignorance of the order and non-compliance with storage requirements in veterinary pharmacy organizations and clinics. The findings analysis provided by the Rosselkhoznadzor has confirmed the annual increase in violations in the medicine storage for veterinary uset hat amounted to 33% over the past two years. At the same time, in 2019, 100% of inspections revealed violations of license requirements.
Keywords veterinary pharmacy, drugs for veterinary use, storage of drugs, pharmaceutical activity in veterinary medicine
Bibliographic reference:
O.I.Knysh, V.V. Byshenko, COMPLIANCE WITH THE MEDICINE STORAGE REGULATIONSFOR VETERINARY USE // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №3;
URL: (date of access: 05.02.2025).
URL: (date of access: 05.02.2025).
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