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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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E.V. Popova1, V.V. Aksenov2, D.A. Konyaev1
1. Federal state Autonomous institution NMIC "Eye microsurgery. Acad. S. N. Fedorova " Tambov branch
2. Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "South-Western state University", Kursk
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Introduction. The prevalence of cataracts currently tends to increase, which necessitates the development of new treatment approaches and integrated indicators to assess the health and quality of life of patients in this cohort. The aim of the investigation is to study the quality of life of patients with cataracts on the background of ultrasonic phacoemulsification with implantation of soft intraocular lenses.. Material and methods. In 182 patients with nuclear-cortical form of cataract before and after ultrasonic phacoemulsification the study of quality of life by nei–VFQ–25 was carried out. Results. The integral indicator and components of the quality of life of patients with cataracts in the preoperative period were significantly reduced. The quality of life of cataract patients significantly improves 3 months after phacoemulsification for all components of quality of life. Especially significantly improves vision in the distance, near vision, and overall health. Conclusion. Improving the quality of life of patients with cataracts after treatment indicates the effectiveness of the used ultrasonic phacoemulsification.
Keywords cataract, quality of life, ultrasonic phacoemulsification

Bibliographic reference:
E.V. Popova, V.V. Aksenov, D.A. Konyaev, THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF ELDERLY PATIENTS AFTER CATARACT ULTRASOUND PHACOEMULSIFICATION // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №3;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=514 (date of access: 05.02.2025).

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