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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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S.M. Tarabukina1, N.B. Dremova2
1. North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk
2. Kursk State Medical University, Kursk
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The article presents the technology of organizing an expert survey to develop directions for the development of drug supply in the Arctic. Purpose of the work: analysis of the organization of an expert survey in order to develop directions for the development of drug supply in the Arctic. Materials and methods. We used the results of an expert survey of specialists with higher medical or pharmaceutical education and experience in the Arctic, in the amount of 50 people (small sample); normative, legal documents regulating the sphere of drug circulation. The formation of a comprehensive concept for improving LR in the Arctic territories according to the developed research design was carried out in stages. Methods of economic and mathematical forecasting were used, including mathematical modeling, cluster analysis, ranking, grouping, the description of which is presented in publications. Self-assessment was applied through the differential method, in which the expert assessed his qualities using such particular criteria as: criterion characterizing his familiarity with the main sources of information in this area; a criterion characterizing the experience of working with the object of expertise (current employment in the regional healthcare or pharmacy, past experience in the Arctic region). Results. Out of the selected 50 experts, 22 specialists (44%) had more than 20 years of experience in the Arctic regions and 28 (56%) - up to 20 years. The average value of the coefficient of self-assessment of the competence of experts was 6.47 (out of the possible in the range from 0 to 10), which is a fairly satisfactory result for the purposes of our study. The specific weights of indicators (qk) were calculated and analyzed to determine their weight and, therefore, priority in solving the problems of LR in the conditions of the Far North and the Arctic. Output. The results of an expert survey of specialists can be recommended for use in forming a concept for the development of the pharmaceutical service of the Arctic territories, in creating a general picture of ideas related to finding ways to solve existing problems.
Keywords drug provision, expert survey, arctic regions, accessibility, integration of concepts, improvement of drug care.

Bibliographic reference:
S.M. Tarabukina, N.B. Dremova, USE OF THE RESULTS OF THE EXPERT SURVEY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIRECTIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DRUGS IN THE ARCTIC // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №4;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=528 (date of access: 15.01.2025).

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