Геронтология и гериатрия
I.S.Noskova1, E.V.Fesenko1, T.V. Evdokimova2, K.O. Ivko3, O.V. Bochko4
1. Academy of postgraduate education under FSBU FSCC of FMBA of Russia, Moscow
2. The Federal State Budgetary Institution «Saint - Petersburg Postgraduate Institute of Medical experts» of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
3. Autonomous non-profit Organization research Medical center Gerontology, Mosco
4. Autonomous non-profit Organization research Medical center Gerontology, Moscow
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Actuality. In recent years, gerontology and geriatrics have seen more and more research from the perspective of the concept of resilience, as well as the study of the factors and tools that contribute to its improvement. So, it was decided to conduct a study on the effectiveness of resilience- training on the parameters of geriatric status and quality of life indicators for elderly people.
Purpose. To study the effectiveness of resilience- training in prevention of geriatric syndromes.
Materials and methods. Two groups in elderly patients were formed: control group (n=48) and the main group (n=52). Control group patients followed the doctor's standard recommendations for physical activity, while patients in the main group performed resilience- training under instructor supervision of an in addition to the standard recommendations. The dynamics of the studied parameters of geriatric status was studied after 3 and 6 months using scales and questionnaires: Assessment of motor activity in the elderly, Mini Mental State Examination scale (MMSE), SF-36 questionnaire. To analyze the dynamics of sarcopenia syndrome, hand dynamometer testing was used on both hands with a Megeon 34090 dynamometer.
Results. Indicators of the dynamics of General motor activity, stability, and gait parameters significantly improved in the group in elderly patients when using the resilience- training method. In the main group patients, the indicators of cognitive functions improved. The use of the original esilience- training method showed a reliable dynamics in terms of increasing indicators and increasing the strength of the hands. The increase in the latter was 1.3 times in men compared to the initial value, and 1.5 times in women. When studying the quality of life indicators, in the main group, reliable dynamics was noted for such indicators as the indicator of dependence on pain, psychological health, role-based emotional functioning, social functioning was also noted in elderly patients group that using the resilience- training algorithm.
Conclusions. The developed resilience- training algorithm proves its effectiveness. As a result of its application, such indicators as stability, motor activity and gait indicators in the study groups significantly improved. An important result of the study was an increase in muscle strength in both men and women (1.3 times and 1.5 times, respectively). There was a significant dynamics of cognitive functions in elderly when using the original exercise method, as well as a significant improvement in their quality of life.
Keywords elderly age, resilience, quality of life, resilience- training, geriatric status
Bibliographic reference:
I.S.Noskova, E.V.Fesenko, T.V. Evdokimova, K.O. Ivko, O.V. Bochko, RESILIENCE-GYM AS A COMPONENT OF GERONTOLOGICAL PREVENTION PROGRAMS // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №4;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=540 (date of access: 15.01.2025).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=540 (date of access: 15.01.2025).
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