D.O. Gorbachev1, O.V. Sazonova1, L.M. Borodina1, M.Yu. Gavryushin1
1. FSBEI HE Samara State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Samara
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Monitoring the nutritional status of the population is one of the priority areas of the national project "Demography", the purpose of which is to identify violations of the structure and nature of nutrition of the population. Modern epidemiological studies in food hygiene, in addition to assessing the actual consumption of nutrients and energy, study the characteristics of eating behavior, in this connection. that these behavioral characteristics can influence the prevalence of food-dependent diseases in the population. Abroad, studies of the characteristics of eating behavior based on statistical methods, in particular, factor analysis, have become widespread; in the Russian Federation, similar studies are extremely rare.
The aim of the study. Development and study of dietary patterns based on factor analysis of the actual nutrition of the population.
Materials and methods. The development of dietary patterns was carried out on the basis of data from the assessment of the actual nutrition of the working-age population (1672 respondents) using the «Nutri-prof» software package, statistical processing of the data array using factor analysis based on the SPSS Statistics program for Windows (version 2.0). Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the relationship of nutritional risk factors (obesity, arterial hypertension) with dietary patterns.
Results and their discussion. As a result of the factorial analysis of the actual nutrition data, a five-factor solution was formed, which made it possible to determine 5 stable dietary patterns behavior: № 1 - "varied", №. 2 - high-calorie ", № 3 -" vegetable ", № 4 -" balanced ", № 5 -" meat and salt ". A correlation has been established between dietary patterns and the consumption of proteins, saturated fatty acids, and cholesterol, added sugar, fiber, certain vitamins and minerals. Logistic regression analysis indicated an increased risk of obesity among individuals with the maximum adherence to food models № 2, № 4 and № 5, adherence to the “plant-based” food model № 3 reduced this risk. In addition, a relationship has been established between high blood pressure and adherence to high-calorie and meat-salt dietary patterns.
Conclusions. An assessment of the actual nutrition of the population with the allocation of 5 sustainable dietary patterns behavior was carried out, the influence of inappropriate nutrition on the risk of developing alimentary-dependent diseases was substantiated. Based on the data obtained, programs for the prevention of alimentary-dependent diseases can be developed and implemented, taking into account the specifics of the eating behavior of various population groups. The developed methodological approach can be used both for population assessment of nutrition, and for an individual one.
Keywords factor analysis, actual nutrition, dietary patterns, nutritional risk factors
Bibliographic reference:
D.O. Gorbachev, O.V. Sazonova, L.M. Borodina, M.Yu. Gavryushin, APPLICATION OF FACTOR ANALYSIS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIETARY PATTERNS // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №4;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=545 (date of access: 15.01.2025).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=545 (date of access: 15.01.2025).
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