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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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A.L. Lisichkin1
1. Center of Coloproctology "Euromedservice", Perm
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Background: One of the basic tools for an objective assessment of public health and maintaining an optimal balance of accessibility and quality of care is the study of the level, structure and dynamics of the incidence of the population. However, modern approaches to planning the volume of medical care completely ignore dynamically changing factors. The use of analysis of the distribution of the main nosologies depending on the sex and age of the population is relevant for increasing the effectiveness of planning the need for specialized medical care. Goal. Analysis of the dependence of regional primary morbidity and the need for medical care in the Coloproctology profile on the age and gender of the population living in the region. Methods. The data were used from the unified regional medical information base of the Perm Territory on the reasons for applying to coloproctologic appointments for 30,900 patients during 2018, as well as information from the territorial fund of compulsory medical insurance, medical statistical reports and the report of the chief specialist of the region. Result and discussion. The analysis of the age-related circulation in men showed a moderate upward trend with areas below the baseline in the age groups of 20-24, 25-29, and 75-80 years. To analyze the need for coloproctological care, it is advisable to divide the male population by age into three groups: under 29 years (49 requests per year per 1000), 30-74 years (128 requests per year per 1000) and over 75 years (68 requests per year per 1000). The female population should be divided into five age groups: under 29 years (74.5 requests per year per 1000), 30-44 years (186 requests per year per 1000), 45-54 years (212 requests per year per 1000), 55-74 years (432 requests per year per 1000) and over 75 years (255 requests per year per 1000). Conclusions. The frequency of requests for outpatient medical care for coloproctology varies significantly depending on gender and age. When planning the volumes of specialized medical care, along with an analysis of the level, structure and dynamics of the morbidity of the population, it is necessary to take into account the distribution of the main nosologies depending on the age and sex composition of the population.
Keywords coloproctology, structure of primary incidence, planning of amounts of medical care.

Bibliographic reference:
A.L. Lisichkin, ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS ON THE NEEDING FOR COLOPROCTOLOGICAL CARE AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №4;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=549 (date of access: 15.01.2025).

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