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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Организация здравоохранения


D. R. Davidov1, I. B. Shikina1, A. V. Masyakin2
1. Central Research Institute for Organization and Informatization of Medical Care, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
2. Moscow Region Healthcare Department, Moscow Region
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Introduction: Effective internal quality control can promote improvement of quality of delivery of health care to patients on a profile psychiatry and to timely identification of defects of medical and diagnostic process. Materials and methods: 797 cards of internal quality control of delivery of health care to the patients with mental disorders undergoing treatment in GBUZ PKB No. 4 of DZM in the conditions of a psychoneurological clinic (PND) – 676 people (84.8%) from 2015 to 2018 and 121 (15.2%) in 2019 are retrospectively analyzed. Results and discussion: Examination of quality of delivery of health care was carried out at two levels of control by medical experts - managers of structural units and deputy heads of PND. On 12 points primary medical documentation, the maximum assessment - 1 point was estimated. The general coefficient of quality represents an arithmetic average of coefficients of quality on each of points. Defects of delivery of health care are revealed at 1 and 2 levels of quality control. At 1 level of control made quality coefficients 0.9167 (0.86; 1.0), at the 2nd level of control - 0.727 (0.625; 0.8). Established that coefficient of quality of control 2 levels from 2015 for 2018 (0.67 (0.54; 0.75)) was significantly below, than in 2019 (0.79 (0.67; 0.83)) (р y identification of defects of medical and diagnostic process and continuous monitoring with use of the analysis of cards of internal quality control promoted improvement of quality of delivery of health care to patients on the psychiatry profile in out-patient conditions.
Keywords Quality of Health Care, Estimation of the Quality of Health Care, Internal Quality of Health Care Control, Psychiatric Medical Organizations, Internal Quality of Health Care Control Cards

Bibliographic reference:
D. R. Davidov, I. B. Shikina, A. V. Masyakin, DEFECTS OF THE TREATMENT AND DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS IN OUT-PATIENT PROFILE “PSYCHIATRY” CONDITIONS // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №4;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=558 (date of access: 07.03.2025).

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