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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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N.B. Naygovzina1, E.V. Zimina1, I. A. Kupeeva2, E. P. Vasilyeva1, Y. S. Titkova1
1. Federal Scientific and Practical Center for the Training and Continuous Professional Development of Healthcare Administrators at the Department of Public Health and Healthcare of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Higher Education “A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2. Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
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The formation of a healthcare management staff pool, a pool of experts who meet the needs of the industry, have the required scope of competencies, and are potentially ready to become managers is an urgent task of the health care system. The staff pool allows to meet the needs for the replacement of managerial positions in health authorities and institutions. To date, the relevance of assessing the level of development of the competencies of health care managers and its pool is ever growing. Objective: to develop a technology for assessing the competencies of applicants for inclusion in the healthcare management staff pool of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (hereinafter, the Staff Pool). Materials and Methods. The study involves the methods of systemic and logical analysis, summarizes the data of individual interviews and professional discussions. Results and Discussions. Based on the results of studying the research materials, an algorithm for assessing the competencies of applicants for inclusion in the Staff Pool is developed, the main components of which are uniform requirements for applicants and a methodology for assessing competencies. The uniform requirements and methodology for assessing competencies are harmonized with the competence model of a specialist in the healthcare and public health field, which is a “compass” for the development of the competencies of a future healthcare manager. Scientifically grounded methodological approaches and technology of the process of assessing the competencies of the Staff Pool have been reported and discussed at the round tables of the All-Russian scientific and practical conferences in 2020. Conclusions. The use of unified methodological approaches to assessing competencies allows to assess their level, determine the proper position for the applicant, determine the further path of professional development and personal growth of a specialist when included in the Staff Pool.
Keywords healthcare, pool of healthcare managers, assessment of competencies, portfolio, competency level total assessment formula

Bibliographic reference:
N.B. Naygovzina, E.V. Zimina, I. A. Kupeeva, E. P. Vasilyeva, Y. S. Titkova, FORMATION OF THE HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT STAFF POOL BASED ON COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №4;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=559 (date of access: 15.01.2025).

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