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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Организация здравоохранения


E.V. Pesennikova1, V.I. Perkhov2
1. FGAOU IN the First MGMU of I.M. Sechenov of the Russian Ministry of Health (the Sechenovsky University), Moscow
2. FGBU "Central Research and Development Institute of the organization and informatization of health care" of the Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow
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Introduction. The pandemic of COVID-19 forced the whole world to the knees, the scale and speed of spread of an infection blow the mind. Almost daily the situation not only by the number of the people affected with a virus, but also in economy which endures serious crisis which will affect as well the social sphere, including health care changes. The pandemic of COVID-19 and its possible consequences impose new requirements to the system of public health care enduring the period of reduction of the state infrastructure, staff deficit and explosive commercialization. Purpose. Analytical support of management decisions on preparation of a health care system for work after the termination of a pandemic COVID-19. Materials and methods. Content analysis methods, information and analytical materials of the Russian and foreign news agencies, expert estimates, analytical materials and statistical data of Federal State Statistics Service, the database for the countries of the international organization economic development and cooperation (OECD) and the certain countries which are not members are used (URL: ). Monitoring COVID-19 panel of Johns Hopkins University (USA) (URL: ) Results. The sudden flash of a virus pandemic showed absolute unpredictability of reaction of health care systems of the countries of the world differing on the level of financing and development on large-scale natural disaster. The countries with comparable expenses on health care have incomparable indicators of lethality of patients with the diagnosis of COVID-19 that testifies to unpredictability and independence of results of work of health care systems of the different countries of the level of financing of health care. Optimization of infrastructure weakened mobilization readiness of health care. In Russia the level of security of the population with beds of the round-the-clock hospitals decreased during the period from 2013 to 2019 years almost on a third - from 10.6 to 7.0 beds for 1000 of the population respectively and was lower, than, for example, in Austria (7.4) and Germany (8.0). The pandemic of COVID-19 can significantly influence structure of medical professions, the most popular can be experts in the field of mental health, average medical personnel and also house health workers. Conclusions. The virus pandemic will be succeeded, most likely, by a pandemic of the collected unsatisfied needs of the people for medical care called by isolation, inaccessibility of planned medical interventions, an economic crisis and problems. Society needs to realize global threat which proceeds from the period after COVID-19 pandemic, to construct a risk management system which success depends, first of all, on quality of the human capital and professional management.
Keywords COVID-19 pandemic, public health care, directions of development of health care

Bibliographic reference:
E.V. Pesennikova, V.I. Perkhov, THE DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH CARE IN THE POST-PANDEMIC WORLD // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №4;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=561 (date of access: 15.01.2025).

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