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"Современные проблемы здравоохранения
и медицинской статистики"
Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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К.R. Amlaev1, I.B. Shikina2, V.N. Buzin2, S.M. Koychueva1, L.N. Blinkova1
1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Stavropol State Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Stavropol, Russia
2. Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
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Introduction: Teachers of the medical universities make a huge contribution to improvement of health of the population as personally, and by means of training of the qualified doctors for needs of health care. Results of their work will depend on conditions of the production environment demanding from them to show the skills in pedagogical, medical and scientific spheres. However, unlike representatives of other professions, their work is insufficiently studied. Materials and methods: Authors studied factors of the production environment and the working conditions at the teaching staff of the educational organization of the higher education (351 persons). Results and discussion: Data which confirm the non-uniform material status of employees are provided in article, and 20% from their number are dissatisfied with the amount of payment of the work. Respondents in absolute majority are satisfied with the organization of work, food, medical care, labor protection and also opportunities of increase in pedagogical scientific qualification. Positive factors in work of teachers of the medical university whom a decent salary, an opportunity to earn additionally, flexible working hours, possibilities of professional growth and others concern are established. Nevertheless, predicting the future, a part of teachers expects the negative changes connected mainly with deterioration in financing of work of the educational organizations of the higher education.
Keywords teachers of the medical university, faculty, factors of the production environment, working condition

Bibliographic reference:
К.R. Amlaev, I.B. Shikina, V.N. Buzin, S.M. Koychueva, L.N. Blinkova, FACTORS AFFECTING THE MOTIVATION OF THE TEACHING STAFF OF A MEDICAL UNIVERSITY // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №4;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=562 (date of access: 15.01.2025).

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