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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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1. Academy of postgraduate education of the Federal state budgetary institution «Federal scientific and clinical center of specialized types of medical care and medical technologies of the Federal medical and biological Agency», Moscow
2. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Belgorod state national research University», Belgorod
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Impaired motor function in the hand is one of the most frequent causes of persistent loss of voluntary movements, impossibility of self-care, decreased quality of life and social maladjustment in patients after ischemic stroke (IS), especially in older age groups. Purpose: to study the effectiveness of bilateral use in elderly and old patients after IS rehabilitation gloves «Anika». Material and methods. 46 patients with impaired fine motor skills of the hand after a first IS in the pool of the right (21) and left (25) middle cerebral arteries (mean age - 71,8 years, disease duration - from 6 to 12 months) were randomized into two groups: the main group (n = 23) and the control group (n = 23). Patients of both groups underwent a standard course of drug treatment and methods of physical rehabilitation, which in the patients of the main group included 10 sessions with the rehabilitation gloves «Anika» (1 hour 1 time per day for each hand for 2 weeks). In patients of both groups, before and after a course of rehabilitation treatment, the functional status was assessed using the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT), «9 pegs and 9 holes», Frenchay scales, Functional Independence Measure (FIM), subsection "H" of the Motor Assessment Scale (MAS) and the Bartel Index. Results: Patients of the main group showed a significant improvement in the function of the upper limb and hand (Frenchay scale, «9 pegs and 9 holes» test) and a significant improvement in independence and activity in everyday life (FIM scale and Bartel index). Conclusion: The bilateral use of the rehabilitation glove «Anika» with a biofeedback system in elderly and old patients after IS contributed to a significant improvement in the motor function of the hand and the functional status of the entire upper limb, and statistically significantly improved the functional independence and activity of these patients in everyday life. When managing elderly and old patients after IS, it is advisable to include the rehabilitation glove «Anika» in the program of rehabilitation treatment, using both hands during training.
Keywords ischemic stroke, neuroplasticity, rehabilitation, elderly and old patients, fine motor skills, rehabilitation glove.

Bibliographic reference:
A.A.Komazov, THE PROCESSES OF NEUROPLASTICITY AND RESTORATION OF MOTOR FUNCTION IN THE HAND IN ELDERLY AND OLD PATIENTS AFTER STROKE // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2021. - №1;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=591 (date of access: 20.09.2024).

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