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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Геронтология и гериатрия


V.A. Mogilev1, K.I. Prashchayeu2,3, A.N. Ilnitski1,2, I.P. Pochitaeva2, K.A. Ishchenko1
1. Belgorod state national research University, Belgorod
2. Academy of postgraduate education under FSBU FSCC of FMBA, Mosсow
3. Research Medical Centre «GERONTOLOGY», Moscow
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Introduction. The ability to taste and smell decreases significantly as the body ages. More than half of people aged 65 to 80 and more than 75% of those over 80 have an apparent decrease in these receptors. Such dysfunction affects the quality of life, leads to malnutrition, the development of malnutrition syndrome, and may also affect the safety of elderly and senile people. Target. The analysis of relationships between violations of taste sensitivity and hygienic state of the oral cavity in patients with aging mouth. Materials and methods. A team of authors (Mogilev V.A., Prashchayeu K.I.) developed a questionnaire to identify hypo- and dysgeusia in aging mouth syndrome, which examines the effect of common somatic diseases and the hygienic state of the oral cavity on taste perception in elderly and senile people. The SNAQ taste questionnaire was also used in the work. Results and discussion. The creation of a questionnaire makes it possible to analyze the influence of various somatic diseases and the dental hygiene index on the formation of taste sensitivity in elderly people. This makes it possible to establish the relationship between the patient's health status, the state of the oral cavity and the quality of taste perception. Сonclusions. With the help of the Taste Questionnaire, a relationship was established between the patient's health status, the hygienic state of the oral cavity and the quality of taste perception. This enables early diagnosis and prediction of the development of taste changes, and also shows the impact of dental status on the development of hypo- and dysgeusia.
Keywords taste, taste questionnaire, aging mouth, dental hygiene index, malnutrition syndrome.

Bibliographic reference:
V.A. Mogilev, K.I. Prashchayeu, A.N. Ilnitski, I.P. Pochitaeva, K.A. Ishchenko, HYPO- AND DYSGEUSIA AND AGING MOUTH: THE PILOT PROJECT RESULTS (THE BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES OF PATIENTS) // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2022. - №5;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=927 (date of access: 30.06.2024).

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