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Геронтология и гериатрия


S.K. Musienko1, E.I. Ryzhkova2,3, N.A. Osmanova4, M. V. Silyutina5, Ye.E. Veys3
1. State budgetary healthcare institution of the Kaliningrad region «City Hospital No. 2», Kaliningrad
2. Academy of postgraduate education under FSBU FSCC of FMBA, Mosсow
3. Research Medical Centre «GERONTOLOGY», Moscow
4. State Medical Institution named after S. S. Yudin DZM, Moscow
5. N. N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University, Voronezh
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Actuality: The intellectual and mnestic capabilities of the brain decrease with age, which is very physiological and characteristic of such a concept as "natural aging of the brain." In fact, significant signs of the manifestation of "aging of the brain" can be detected after 50 years, which is noted in the form of a decrease in concentration, memory, absent-mindedness and is called benign age-related forgetfulness. With benign age-related forgetfulness, the patient is critical of the problem he has, tends to rest more, which almost completely eliminates it. For a more complete recovery, it is necessary to use nutraceuticals, which contain substances with nootropic properties in their composition. In this matter, drugs containing alkoxyglycerides and/or plasmalogens are considered promising, and capable of providing multifaceted protection: both neuroprotection and reducing immune chronic inflammation that negatively affects neurons, and restoring cognitive-mnestic neural connections. Purpose: To study modern ideas about alkoxyglycerides and plasmalogens in the aspect of prevention of the development of benign age-related forgetfulness. Materials and methods: We studied the literature data on the search words alkoxyglycerides, plasmalogens, age-related benign forgetfulness, cognitive impairment in the databases Pubmed, e-Library, Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Central Scientific Medical Library. Results: It is known that alkoxyglycerides are precursors in the biosynthesis of plasmalogens, they allow skipping the stage of formation of a simple ether bond in peroxisomes. Previously, it was shown that the additional use of alkoxyglycerides leads to an increase in the level of plasmalogens in erythrocytes, kidneys, liver and heart. It is plasmalogens that are antioxidants and are involved in the binding of reactive oxygen species. The potential role of plasmalogens in the etiology and pathophysiology of these diseases is critically discussed in the medical literature with an emphasis on signaling processes. Finally, we consider the growing interest in plasmalogens as a target for the treatment of both benign age-related forgetfulness and neurological diseases, evaluating the available data and highlighting prospects for the future. All the chains of pathogenesis of plasmalogen action on tissues and cells have not been fully disclosed, however, the collected data show many promising and important properties that can make a huge contribution to the prevention and treatment of diseases, which will serve as an impetus for further research and the inclusion of these drugs in nutraceutical support of the main therapy. Conclusions: The recently proposed methods of including alkylglycerines as nutraceutical support have the greatest support base, which, apparently, are more easily integrated into the membranes of myelinating cells, which leads to remarkable phenotypic improvements in myelination in patients with plasmalogens deficiency developed during neurodegeneration and benign age-related forgetfulness. This is especially promising for the preparation of prevention programs for cognitive disorders and is practically significant for nutritionists.
Keywords alkoxyglycerides, plasmalogens, nutraceutical support, nutritionology, cognitive impairment, cognitive asthenia.

Bibliographic reference:
S.K. Musienko, E.I. Ryzhkova, N.A. Osmanova, M. V. Silyutina, Ye.E. Veys, MODERN IDEAS ABOUT ALKOXYGLYCERIDES AND PLASMALOGENS IN THE ASPECT OF INCREASING RESILIENCE IN THE COGNITIVE ASTHENIA PREVENTION // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2022. - №5;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=928 (date of access: 30.06.2024).

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