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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Организация здравоохранения


YU.V. Burkovskaya1, A.V. Ivanov1, N.N. Kamynina1, A.S. Kazakov1
1. Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow
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Relevance. Optimization of Russian healthcare is aimed at improving the quality of medical care. Persons with non-medical education or non-medical personnel represent a fairly significant cluster in terms of number, performing certain duties that contribute to increasing the efficiency of the medical organization. However, the heads of medical organizations, heads of structural divisions / branches have a number of questions concerning the functions that can be assigned to such a category of personnel. Objective: to identify the respondents' attitude to the problem of attracting specialists with non-medical education to work in a medical organization. Materials and methods: sociological, statistical and analytical methods, content analysis were used. A questionnaire has been developed for the study, which includes closed and open-type questions. The processing of the received information was carried out taking into account standard deviations, average values and confidence intervals (95% confidence level). Results and discussion. The majority of respondents (65%) consider the problem of attracting specialists with non-medical education in Russian healthcare to be relevant. More than half of respondents (70.1%) are sure that doctors are overloaded with work that is not directly related to the provision of medical care. The capital's experience in attracting specialists with non-medical education is familiar to 41.5% of respondents, about a quarter of respondents (27.2%) confirmed the implementation of such practices in their organization. Conclusions. About half of the respondents believe that doctors and nurses have functions that can be transferred to persons with non-medical education without compromising the quality of medical care. Most of the respondents are convinced that the use of such specialists is justified to perform work that is not directly related to the process of providing medical care and it is possible to use them regardless of the type of medical organization.
Keywords non-medical personnel, specialists with non-medical education, other personnel, support personnel, transfer of functionality, provision of medical care, improvement of the quality of medical care, human resources, personnel policy

Bibliographic reference:
YU.V. Burkovskaya, A.V. Ivanov, N.N. Kamynina, A.S. Kazakov, ATTRACTING SPECIALISTS WITH NON-MEDICAL EDUCATION TO WORK IN A MEDICAL ORGANIZATION // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2022. - №5;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=936 (date of access: 20.09.2024).

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