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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Vavilov A.V.1, Suslin S.A.1, Ginnyatulina R.I.2, Izmalkov S.N.1, Sadreeva S.H.1
1. Samara State Medical University of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Samara
2. Samara Regional Clinical Hospital named after V.D. Seredavin, Samara
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Introduction. The key factor in improving the efficiency of medical organizations is the reorganization of the health personnel policy. Trends in the development of modern society, the development of virtual technologies, informatization affect all areas, including education and healthcare. The introduction of new organizational and information technologies makes it possible to increase the personnel potential of the hospital. Purpose: to create an internal training system for employees of a medical organization to improve the quality of continuous medical education integrated into practical activities using innovative digital technologies. Materials and methods. The research base is a large multidisciplinary state budgetary healthcare institution of the Samara region "Samara City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after N.I. Pirogov", designed for 900 beds and providing mainly emergency surgical medical care. The study used a set of modern research methods: organizational, analytical, statistical, interviewing, scientometric approaches, project management, methods of mathematical data processing. Results and discussion. In a large multidisciplinary hospital, an internal training system for employees has been created, consisting of several elements: contingents of trainees, trainers, training tools, and a training program. The contingents of trainees are healthcare organizers holding leadership positions in the hospital, doctors, nurses, nurses, and other hospital staff. The contingents of trainees are healthcare organizers holding leadership positions in the hospital, doctors, nurses, nurses, and other hospital staff. Training staff: resuscitator, surgeon, cardiologist, clinical pharmacologist, epidemiologist, head of the quality management department of medical care, lawyer, psychologist, labor protection specialist, deputy chief physician for civil defense and emergency situations, deputy chief physician for human resources, chief nurse. Training tools: the Center for the Development of Professional Competencies, virtual VR-simulators with specially developed software "Virtual Hospital", phantoms and simulation dummies for practicing practical skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, invasive interventions and nursing manipulations, an information platform for conducting distance internal training, training materials (video, audio files, presentations), biofeedback devices for psycho-emotional unloading of employees. Conclusions. According to the results of internal training in the hospital, there is an increase in the overall level of knowledge of employees by 6.67% from an average score of 4.31 to 4.64 points. Learning in virtual reality mode increases the level of knowledge by 21.8% (from 71.5% to 93.5%).
Keywords personnel management, management, internal training system

Bibliographic reference:
Vavilov A.V., Suslin S.A., Ginnyatulina R.I., Izmalkov S.N., Sadreeva S.H., INTERNAL TRAINING AS A FACTOR OF INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF HOSPITAL STAFF MANAGEMENT // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2022. - №5;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=937 (date of access: 30.06.2024).

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