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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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A.V. Vorykhanov1, M.A. Uyanaeva1, M.A. Ivanova1, A.A.Latyshova1
1. Russian Research Institute of Health, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
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Personnel issues represent one of the main problems of healthcare organizers, which is especially important in the organization of medical care in the conditions of anesthesiology and resuscitation departments. Purpose of the study. To study the situation in terms of provision and staffing of medical organizations of the Russian Federation with anesthesiologists-resuscitators. Material and methods. The analysis of the provision and staffing of medical organizations with anesthesiologists-resuscitators in the Russian Federation, federal districts and Moscow was carried out on the basis of data from federal statistical observation forms N30 "Information on a medical organization" for the period from 2015 to 2021. In a retrospective analysis, analytical, statistical (calculation of intensive and extensive indicators) research methods were used. For data processing - MS Office Excel 2007 spreadsheets and Statistica10 program. Results and its discussion. Based on the number of individuals in occupied positions, the provision of medical organizations with anesthesiologists-resuscitators increased, especially in the Central Federal District and the Northwestern Federal District by 18,9 and 10,5%, respectively, in the Southern Federal District - decreased by 2,6% At the same time, the average Russian indicator increased by 7,8%. In most federal districts, the provision of medical organizations with anesthesiologists-resuscitators who provide medical care in inpatient conditions has increased, especially in the Central Federal District and the Northwestern Federal District (by 17,5 and 8,2%, respectively), in the country as a whole - by 7,6%. In the city in Moscow, the provision with doctors of this specialty, based on the number of individuals in occupied positions, increased by 30,8%, working in stationary conditions - by 27,4%. The staffing of medical organizations with inpatient anesthesiologists and resuscitators is declining every year in all federal districts, which is probably due to the retirement of retired doctors due to the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection. Conclusion. During the study period, in the Central Federal District and the North-West Federal District there was an increase in the provision of medical organizations with anesthesiologists-resuscitators by 18,9 and 10,5%, respectively, in the Southern Federal District the situation worsened by 2,6%, which did not affect the average Russian indicator, which for the study period grew by 7,8%. The provision of anesthesiologists-resuscitators providing medical care in inpatient conditions also increased by 7,6%, especially in the Central Federal District and the Northwestern Federal District (by 17,5 and 8,2%, respectively). Despite this, the staffing of medical organizations with anesthesiologists-resuscitators providing medical care in stationary conditions tends to decrease annually in all federal districts. In Moscow, the provision of anesthesiologists-resuscitators in terms of the number of individuals in their positions increased by 30,8%, those working in stationary conditions - by 27,4%.
Keywords anesthesiologists-resuscitators, security, staffing, medical organizations.

Bibliographic reference:
A.V. Vorykhanov, M.A. Uyanaeva, M.A. Ivanova, A.A.Latyshova, SECURITY AND STAFFING OF MEDICAL ORGANIZATIONS WITH ANESTHESIOLOGISTS - REANIMATOLOGISTS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, 2015-2020 // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2022. - №5;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=938 (date of access: 30.06.2024).

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