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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»

Диагностика и профилактика преждевременного старения

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V.I. Perkhov1, E.V. Pesennikova2
1. FGBU "Central Research and Development Institute of the organization and informatization of health care" of the Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow
2. FGAOU IN the First MGMU of I.M. Sechenov of the Russian Ministry of Health (the Sechenovsky University), Moscow
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Introduction. The pandemic of COVID-19 became check of readiness of health care systems of the countries of the world for mass arrival of patients in the conditions of emergency situation and to rendering medical care to the population of considerable volumes for a short period. In addition to it the outbreak of a new koronavirusny infection put before society unique, economic and ethical dilemmas as it imposed new requirements to social systems first of all – to health care systems, both on national, and at the global level. One of these requirements – real, but not formal providing the state guarantees of free rendering medical care to citizens. Purpose. The description and the analysis of separate indicators of the Program of the state guarantees of free rendering to citizens of the Russian Federation of medical care for the purpose of support of management decisions on strengthening of the industry in the conditions of preservation of threats of technogenic and anthropogenic character. Materials and methods. Data about actual volume and financial indicator of medical care are taken from the summary report across Russia on form No. 62 «Data on implementation of the Program of the state guarantees of rendering to citizens of the Russian Federation of free medical care». For assessment of the obtained data simple (unweighted) arithmetic-mean sizes were used. For recalculation of the current economic indicators in stable prices we used the average annual index deflator for activity in the field of health care and social services. Results. The role of the public medical institutions in providing the population with medical care, gradually weakens. The increasing number of the private medical organizations become participants of the compulsory health insurance system. At the same time the volume and specific weight of private expenses on medical care grows in the hospitals and policlinics financed from the state treasury that can be regarded as commercialization of public health care. In the conditions of increase of threats of technogenic and anthropogenic character, a decisive step on the way to transformation of a system of public health care in Russia as major social industry, there can be an increase in expenses of treasury on free delivery of health care and also development of institutes of civil society - the most important elements of the national plan of an economic recovery during the post-pandemic period. Conclusion. The new public contract is a new role of the state in the solution of social problems, such as poverty, unequal access to the social benefits (to medicine, education, etc.) in extreme situations. In this contract efforts of the public and private sector are consolidated in creation of a new social system, including the health care system guaranteeing to people worthy protection of their health, ensuring natural adaptability which all components are capable quickly and to work well-coordinated in the conditions of extremely dangerous epidemics and other biological threats.
Keywords program of the state guarantees of free rendering medical care to citizens, amounts of financing of types of medical care, paid medical services, commercialization of health care, COVID-19 pandemic, new public contract.

Bibliographic reference:
V.I. Perkhov, E.V. Pesennikova, COMMERCIALIZATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH CARE AND «NEW PUBLIC CONTRACT» // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2021. - №1;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=578 (date of access: 17.02.2025).

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