Геронтология и гериатрия
O. Kudryavtsev1,2, K. Kozlov2,3, I. Oleksyuk2,3, T.V. Evdokimova4
1. MariinskyCiry Hospital cath lab., St. Petersburg, Russia
2. Institute of Bio – regulation and Gerontology, St. Petersburg, Russia.
3. S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia.
4. The Federal State Budgetary Institution «Saint - Petersburg Postgraduate Institute of Medical experts» of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
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Actuality: Frailty is a geriatric syndrome characterized by an age-associated decrease in the physiological reserve and functions of many body systems, leading to an increased vulnerability of the elderly organism to the effects of endo- and exogenous factors, with a high risk of adverse outcomes for health, loss of autonomy and death [1].
Purpose: To develop ways to optimize the preoperative preparation of patients with senile asthenia in order to prevent postoperative delirium and evaluate their effectiveness.
Material and methods: 279 people: control group - standard management, 133 patients aged 66 to 86 years (average age 71.4 + 1.2 years, men - 74 people, women - 59 people);
the studied group - management according to the algorithm, 146 elderly patients aged 65 to 84 years (average age 72.8 + 2.6 years, men - 79 people, women - 67 people).
Results: we analyzed the effectiveness of the algorithm we proposed, it turned out that postoperative delirium developed in 38.4 + 0.5 cases in the control group patients, in patients of the study group - 4.3 + 0.01, 8.9 times less often when applying the algorithm for preparing elderly and senile patients with asthenia syndrome for planned surgical interventions on the abdominal organs (χ2 = 0.95, p = 0.6578, which indicated statistically significant differences in the results). Attention was also drawn to the fact that the duration of postoperative delirium was 38.1 + 3.2 hours in patients of the control group, and 11.2 + 1.4 hours (p
Keywords asthenia syndrome, postoperative delirium, old age.
Bibliographic reference:
O. Kudryavtsev, K. Kozlov, I. Oleksyuk, T.V. Evdokimova, OPTIMIZATION OF PREOPERATIVE ASSESSMENT OF PATIENTS WITH FRAILTY SYNDROME FOR DELIRIUM PREVENTION // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2021. - №1;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=589 (date of access: 17.02.2025).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=589 (date of access: 17.02.2025).
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