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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»

Диагностика и профилактика преждевременного старения

Организация здравоохранения


A.S. Dybin1, A.E. Poteryaev2, P.Yu. Shapovalov3, L.I. Menshikova1,4
1. Northern State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk
2. Medical service of White Sea Naval Base, Severodvinsk
3. Military Unit 95420, Severodvinsk
4. Central Research Institute of Health Care Organization and Informatization, Moscow
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Management decisions in the area of civilian and military healthcare cannot be made without a detailed analysis of the statistical indicators that characterize the health of the population. Exceptional importance has the protection of the health of military personnel serving in adverse climatic conditions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The aim of the study is to assess the medical and statistical indicators of the morbidity of all categories of military personnel under contract in the Far North territory of the Arkhangelsk region. Materials and methods: A sample statistical analysis of data, based on the statistical reports on Form 3/med, containing information about the state of health of military personnel of the White Sea Naval Base for the period from 2010 to 2019 was carried out, relating only to malе military personnel serving under the contract. A calculation of primary morbidity rates, total morbidity, total hospitalization rate, incidence with temporary disability in days was made for 1000 people for each year studied and, on average, for the analyzed period. Nosological structure of incidence by classes according to ICD-10 with estimation of dynamics of medical and statistical indicators of morbidity was analyzed. The mean of absolute increase/decrease and temp of increase/decrease in morbidity rates were calculated. Quantitative data are presented as arithmetic mean and 95% confidence intervals. Statistical data were processed using Microsoft Excel 2016 and the IBM SPSS ver.25. Results: The average primary morbidity rate among military personnel was 362.64 ‰ (95% CI: 297.79 - 427.49). The average incidence rate of military personnel of the White Sea Naval Base for the period 2010-2019 was 990.65 ‰ (95% DI: 737.28-1244.04). The average for the period 2010-2019 years the rate of hospitalization of military personnel of the White Sea Naval Base was 170.82 ‰ (95% DI: 124.58 - 217.05). The average labor loss rate for the studied period was 3163.75 ‰ (95% CI: 2566.24 - 3761.26). Conclusions: The state of health of military personnel in the Arctic zone of the Arkhangelsk region differs slightly from the state of health of the Navy as a whole. Heliophysical and climatogeographic conditions of the Arctic zone make a significant contribution to the structure of the morbidity military personnel by diseases of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. The effectiveness of measures taken by the command and medical service of the White Sea Naval Base is reflected in the reduction of the incidence of infectious diseases, mental disorders, respiratory diseases, and also a significant reduction in injuries to military personnel.
Keywords state of health of military personnel, incidence of military personnel, Arctic region, Arkhangelsk region.

Bibliographic reference:
A.S. Dybin, A.E. Poteryaev, P.Yu. Shapovalov, L.I. Menshikova, ASSESSMENT INDICATOS OF MORBIDITY MILITARY PERSONNEL SERVING UNDER CONTRACT IN THE ARCTIC ZONE // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2021. - №1;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=601 (date of access: 13.01.2025).

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