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"Современные проблемы здравоохранения
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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»

Диагностика и профилактика преждевременного старения

Наука в московских поликлиниках


D.A. Vorobeva1, D. S. Rusinova1,2, I.E. Zhukova1, А.С. Bezymyanny3
1. Children,s City Outpatient,s Clinic №133 of Moscow City Health Departament, Moscow
2. Pirogov National Research Medical University, Moscow
3. Directorate for Coordinating the Activities of Medical Organizations, Moscow
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Introduction. To analyze the clinical and diagnostic features of foreign bodies of the stomach in children represented by trichobezoars, and to propose algorithms for working at the outpatient level. Materials and methods. This is the example of 4year child with trichobezoar. The child addressed to local polyclinic with abdominal pain. Carrying out ultrasonic study of abdominal organs there were signs of vast stomach formation. It was trichobezoar. The patient was hospitalized. He was made an additional survey and the diagnosis was confirmed. There was up and middle laparotomy with endotracheal anesthesia. The patient was made gastrotomy with 10 сm duration. The trichobezoar was withdrawn through gastrotomic hole. The trichobezoar consisted of matted hair, food and slime with 20x15x4 сm in size. Post-operative period was without surgical complications, but there was iron deficit anemia with middle severity. At the admission to the hospital the level of hemoglobin was 69g/l and 96g/l at the discharging. The child was discharged with surgeon, pediatrician and psychiatrist observation to the place of residence. Results. During next 3 months of ambulance and polyclinic observations here were not any pain complaints. There was reduced level of general hemoglobin and accelerated Euytrocyte sedimentation rate in accordance with hypochromic iron deficit anemia. Discussions. Analyzing this clinical case, we can see the complexity of timely and right diagnosis of serious condition. The reasons for it are psychoneurological disorders, connected with trichotillomania and trichophagia. Trichophagia is emotional disorder among children. Conclusions. Thus, it is important to provide children with many specialists for adequate diagnosis and prevention of occurrence of trichobezoar in childhood. And it`s necessary to develop the algorithm of dispensary observation in outpatient department.
Keywords trichobezoar, trichophagia, childrens, diagnoatics

Bibliographic reference:
D.A. Vorobeva, D. S. Rusinova, I.E. Zhukova, А.С. Bezymyanny, CLINICAL TRICHOBEZOAR CASE OF FOUR YEARS CHILD // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2022. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=798 (date of access: 06.12.2024).

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