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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»

Диагностика и профилактика преждевременного старения

Организация здравоохранения


L.V Rugol1, A.V. Polikarpov1, N.A. Golubev1, E.V.Ogryzko1
1. Russian Research Institute of Health, Moscow
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Relevance Primary morbidity rates reflect not only the state of health of the population, but also the availability and quality of medical care, primarily primary health care, which are determined by the state of the network of medical organizations in the region, staffing, and medical equipment. Purpose to assess the level and structure of primary morbidity in the rural population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Material and methods included statistical Material and methods. Data from Rosstat, Ministry of Health of Russia, Federal State Budgetary Institution "RIH" of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Used analytical, statistical methods and comparative analysis Results A multidirectional dynamics of the primary morbidity rate of the rural population of the Far Eastern Federal District was recorded during the observation period - 2015-2021 with a downward trend in the indicator as a whole over the period by 9.8%. Until 2019, the values of the primary morbidity rates of the population as a whole in the Russian Federation and in the Far Eastern Federal District were comparable, including for the rural population, but in 2020 and 2021. the indicator of primary morbidity of the rural population in the Far Eastern Federal District has significantly decreased compared to the national average, by 11.9% and 13.8%, respectively. The primary morbidity of the urban population, on the contrary, tended to increase, both on average in the Russian Federation and in the Far Eastern Federal District, and the rate of increase in the indicator for the Far Eastern Federal District was higher than the average for the Russian Federation (17.7% and 11.2%, respectively). A decrease in the primary morbidity rates of the rural population as a whole in the Far Eastern Federal District for the analyzed period was observed for all classes of diseases. The structure of the primary morbidity of the rural population is different for the urban and rural population and differed in the subjects of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District. Discussion The decrease in the primary morbidity rate of the rural population in the Far Eastern Federal District in 2020-2021 indicates a deterioration in the context of the pandemic, the initially reduced availability of medical care to the rural population compared to the urban population due to the peculiarities of organizing medical care for the population in rural areas. The increase in the primary morbidity rate of the rural population in some subjects of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District during the observation period may indicate coding errors in the registration of cases of diseases due to defects in medical records, problems of continuity in the provision of medical care to this category of the population, and the lack of proper accounting of applications. Findings. The multidirectional dynamics of the primary incidence of the urban and rural population of the Far Eastern Federal District indicates shortcomings in the organization of preventive work among the population, the imperfection of the network of medical organizations in rural areas, and problems in the availability of PHC for rural residents of this region.
Keywords primary morbidity, morbidity structure, rural population, access to medical care

Bibliographic reference:
L.V Rugol, A.V. Polikarpov, N.A. Golubev, E.V.Ogryzko, DYNAMICS OF PRIMARY INCIDENCE IN POPULATION GROUPS // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2022. - №4;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=898 (date of access: 04.12.2024).

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