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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Геронтология и гериатрия


Sovenko G. N.1, Fesenko V.V.2
1. Мedicine center "Generation", Belgorod
2. FGAOU VPO Belgorod state national research University, Belgorod
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The paper presents modern clinical and organizational approaches to the implementation of rehabilitation and preventive programs in geriatrics. It is shown that the greatest efficiency of preventive technologies in geriatrics is achieved by integration of dispensary supervision, therapeutic training and clinical rehabilitation and preventive measures. It is proved that the result of dynamic monitoring of elderly patients is influenced by factors that can be grouped into 4 groups: factors related to the activities of the therapist; factors related to the organization of the " brigade»; internal factors; factors related to the medical and social characteristics of the patient. It is proved that the creation of a single integrated system of stage-by-stage prevention of disability in chronic therapeutic diseases in elderly patients can eliminate the following problems: substitution of concepts of stage treatment and rehabilitation and preventive programs, the lack of organizational mechanisms for the implementation of stages and continuity in the conduct, the lack of taking into account physiological and psychological features in the use of methods of prevention of disability and individual clinical techniques in elderly patients.
Keywords geriatrics, prevention, rehabilitation.

Bibliographic reference:
Sovenko G. N., Fesenko V.V., CLINICAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL APPROACHES TO IMPLEMENTING REHABILITATION AND PREVENTION PROGRAMMES IN GERIATRICS // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2018. - №1;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=174 (date of access: 01.04.2025).

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