Научно-практический рецензируемый журнал
"Современные проблемы здравоохранения
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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Геронтология и гериатрия


Medzinovskay A. A.1,2, Zhernakova N. And.3, Palkova G. B.4, Medzinovskiy Y. F.1,2, Prohaev K. I.1,3
1. ANO "research medical center "Gerontology", Moscow
2. The Clinic "GL-MED", Moscow
3. NATIONAL IN "Belgorod state national research University", Belgorod
4. fgbou DPO Institute of advanced studies, Federal medical and biological Agency, Moscow
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Age-associated changes in muscle strength and mass are a basic factor in the formation and progression of senile asthenia (frailty). If sarcopenia (reduced muscle mass and strength) many studies have been conducted, the problem is dinamani (or presriptio, in which there is a decrease in muscle strength without changes in muscle mass) remains rarely examined. This article presents the results of studying the levels of the main sex hormones in women and men of elderly age, with dynapenia and dynapenia, combined with obesity. It has been shown that dynapenia in women and elderly men is associated with an imbalance in the level of sex hormones in the form of a decrease in the content of some of them in blood serum, and this imbalance is aggravated by a combination of dynapenia and obesity, and the deficit level of total testosterone can serve as a predictor of the development of dynapenia in both men and women of elderly age.
Keywords dynapenia, obesity, elderly age, testosterone, estradiol, progesterone.

Bibliographic reference:
Medzinovskay A. A., Zhernakova N. And., Palkova G. B., Medzinovskiy Y. F., Prohaev K. I., THE ROLE OF SEX HORMONES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF DINAMANI (PRESCOPING) IN THE ELDERLY // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2018. - №1;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=175 (date of access: 01.04.2025).

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