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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Организация здравоохранения


Babenko A. I.1, Kostrubin S. A.1
1. Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Research Institute of Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases", Novokuznetsk
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Introduction. The sociological survey of patients of the dental polyclinic is one of the stages of the formation of its strategy aimed at meeting the need of the population for dental care. The purpose of the study is to determine priorities of problems of organization of dental care in the polyclinic and to quantify ways of their solution based on the opinion of patients. Material and methods. Based on the results of the survey of 1,255 patients of dental polyclinic № 4 "Luxdent" in Omsk, a sociological assessment of their opinion on the availability of dental care and satisfaction with the activities of units and doctors of the polyclinic was carried out. In order to determine the priorities of problems in the organization of dental care and the prospects for their solution, the relative importance factor and integrated assessment of the results of the sociological survey were calculated. Results. It has been established that the main reasons holding back the treatment of dentists are the fear of dental pain, complications after dental intervention, mistrust of medical personnel, as well as material difficulties. Factors of attractiveness of this polyclinic are availability of dental care and qualified work of doctors. 85.8% of patients are satisfied with the work of a therapist, 80.9% - a surgeon, 73.9% - a parodontolog, where among the elements of their activity the professional level of specialists is most significant (35.5-47.7%), quality and pain-free care (34.7-58.6%). The prospect of improving the activity of the polyclinic is related to the improvement of logistics and the use of quality materials (19.0% of the value of all measures), time (17.3%) and financial (15.4%) availability of care, safety of procedures and absence of complications (14.7%), qualification of doctors (13.3%), level of medical care (11.4%) and territorial accessibility of dental care (10.0%). The analysis formed the basis of the scheme of assessment of prospects of organizational technologies as a stage of planning of dental polyclinic strategy.
Keywords organization of dental care, sociological assessment, strategic planning.

Bibliographic reference:
Babenko A. I., Kostrubin S. A., SOCIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF DENTAL CARE ORGANIZATION PROVIDED IN OUTPATIENT SETTINGS // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=476 (date of access: 01.04.2025).

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