1.1. This agreement is a public offer agreement. If the Licensor (author) provides the Licensee (publisher) his work for publication in any of the possible ways, i.e. in a handwritten/printed/electronic version, the Licensor automatically accepts the terms of this agreement.
1.2. Under this agreement, the Licensor grants the Licensee non-exclusive rights to use its work to the extent and for the period stipulated in the agreement.
1.3. The Licensor guarantees that it has the exclusive copyright to the work transferred to the Licensee.
2.1. The Licensor grants the Licensee the following rights for up to ten years:
2.1.1. The right to reproduce a work (to publish, republish, duplicate, replicate etc.) without limitation of the number of copies. In this case, each copy of the work shall contain the name of the author of the work;
2.1.2. The right to distribute the work by any means;
2.1.3. The right to revise a work (to create a new, creatively independent work on its basis) and the right to make changes to the work that do not constitute its revision;
2.1.4. The right of public use and demonstration of the work for informational, advertising and other purposes;
2.1.5. The right of public disclosure;
2.1.6. The right to partially or fully assign, on the contractual terms, the rights received hereunder to third parties without payment of remuneration to the Licensor, as well as the right to translate into foreign languages with publication in foreign editions.
2.2. The Licensor guarantees that the work, the rights to use which are transferred to the Licensee hereunder, is an original work.
2.3. The Licensor guarantees that this work has not been formally (i.e. contractually) transferred to anyone for reproduction or other use. If the work has already been published, the Licensor must notify the Licensee.
2.4. The Licensor transfers the rights to the Licensee under this agreement on the basis of a non-exclusive license.
2.5. The Licensee undertakes to observe the copyright provided by the current legislation, the rights of the Licensor, and to protect them and take all possible measures to prevent the copyright infringement by third parties.
2.6. The territory in which the rights to a work may be used is not restricted.
3.1. Licensor and Licensee shall be liable, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, for the non-performance or improper performance of their obligations under this agreement.
3.2. The party that improperly performs or fails to perform its obligations under this agreement must compensate the other party for losses incurred, including lost profits.
4.1. All disputes arising from the terms of this agreement shall be settled through negotiations and if they are inconclusive, these disputes shall be settled in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Termination of this agreement is possible at any time by mutual consent of the parties with the mandatory signing of the relevant agreement by the parties.
4.3. Unilateral termination of this agreement is possible in cases stipulated by the current legislation, or by a court decision.
4.4. In all matters not specified herein, the parties shall be guided by the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.