1. Articles of theoretical, scientific and practical nature on the relevant subject are accepted in the electronic scientific and practical journal "Current Problems of Health Care and Medical statistics". Papers that do not correspond to the requirements of the journal may be rejected by the editors without review.
2. The editorial board follows the world standards of transparency in the reviewing process; in this connection the journal uses double-blind review of manuscripts. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed papers and have had publications on the subject of the reviewed article within the last 3 years.
3. Articles submitted to the journal are sent for review to two independent experts within a week. The reviewer gets acquainted with the abstract, and then agrees or refuses to review the paper. In case of refusal, another reviewer is appointed within a few days.
4. Within two weeks, reviewers familiarize themselves with the manuscript and evaluate its scientific quality by filling out a "Review Form," which the editorial board then sends to the author.
5. In the submitted form, reviewers indicate their comments and upload files with corrections or suggestions that can be used in finalizing the article.
6. After filling in the main "Review Form" experts choose one of the proposed recommendations:
To accept the article — the manuscript is ready for publication and accepted without changes
Needs to be corrected - accepted, if the author corrects the work in accordance with comments
Return for re-review - revision and re-review needed
To reject the article - the manuscript does not meet the requirements of the journal
See comments - none of the previous recommendations fit
7. Copies of the reviews received or a reasoned refusal are sent to the authors of the article.
8. After the review process is completed, all relevant information is sent to the author. Within 1-2 weeks, the author finalizes the article and uploads a new version to the journal system. If the article is not returned after the specified period (or the editorial board is not informed about the delay) — the article is removed from the editorial processing queue.
9. Copies of reviews are sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation when requested by the journal editorial board.
10. Submissions and reviews are kept in the editorial office for five (5) years.
Appeal procedure:
If the author does not agree with certain comments of the reviewer, he/she has the right to send an appeal to the editorial office in the format ‘reviewer's comments - author’s comment’. This document is sent to the reviewer, and together with the editorial board an appropriate decision about the manuscript is made.
If the reviewers choose mutually opposed resolutions on the submitted manuscript (to accept/reject), the editorial board contacts them and jointly examines all comments in order to agree on the position on the further publication of the paper.
If the decision cannot be made, the editorial board appoints an independent expert.